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 Retired Military Dogs



Second Hand Seniors

Where Imperfect Is Perfect  

Typically military dogs are retired from service at age 6-8 years. Those not well suited as bomb and drug detection specialist are released when they are between 2-4 years old. These dogs have saved thousands and thousands of lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. Often when dogs are released from duty they are scheduled for euthanasia.

Retired military dogs are available for adoption but it can cost a thousand dollars to have the dog flown to the United States. Once a dog is retired by the military, he is no longer classified a soldier and does not qualify to fly on regular military flights. Please help change this by writing to your state representatives, members of congress and to the lead commanders of our military. Every soldier deserves to come home.

Here are two organizations that are helping military dogs www.save-a-vet.org and www.militaryworkingdogadoptions.com